To My Beautiful Mumma

It’s my mom’s birthday this week sooo everyone wish her HAPPYY BIRTHDAYYY!!!!

My mom is gorgeous (MashAllah), funny, cool and puts up with all my jabbering! With each passing year, I feel like I get closer and closer to you. The 3 of us love you for putting up with all our craziness and the endless understanding and patience you have. Alhamdulilah, you have raised us to be strong, independent women – just like yourself.

And you now what, she’s just plain old COOL. Who’s DESI mom requests to have sushi for their birthday dinner?! Haha 🙂

Wishing you an eternity of Allahs blessings, health, happiness and love.

Hope you liked our surprise!!!!

About Shaza's Scrapbook

My name is Shaza and I'm a twenty something year old who's passionate about FOOD and Weddings! View all posts by Shaza's Scrapbook

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